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DUSWDS Templates

DUSWDS provides templates that can be customized to use as a starting point for creating pages for your project.

Designed within USWDS Guidelines

DUSWDS templates can be customized by adding additional components or removing components, while ensuring the design standards and functionality are aligned with USWDS guidelines. Start with a template to create a page that meets the requirements of your project.

Templates in DUSWDS

USWDS-aligned templates in DUSWDS include:

  • 404 page - gives users information when a page they request doesn't exist
  • Documentation page - provides specific information to users in a clear, focused, and concise layout.
  • Landing page - flexible, beautiful pages to showcase your agency or program
  • Authentication pages - used for logging into the website when a shared service such as is not used
  • Form templates - common forms built to be compliant with accessibility standards

404 Page Example

A 404 page provides guidance to users who request a page on your website that doesn't exist. This template can also be used for other error pages, as needed.

The DUSWDS 404 page template provides a text area to describe the error, possible solutions to the error, and buttons to direct the user for more information or to return to the website. 

See an example of a 404 page.

Documentation page

Documentation pages are generally more text-heavy than other pages. The ability to use headings of different sizes (h1, h2, etc.) presents this information clearly.

DUSWDS documentation pages are designed to be aligned with USWDS guidelines.

Landing page

Landing pages are most often used to showcase your department or program. These pages present information in a visually-attractive format.

DUSWDS landing pages combine flexible layouts with components that can be customized. Components can be added or removed, depending on your specifications.

An example of a landing page is the homepage of this site which can be viewed here.

Learn more about DUSWDS

DUSWDS is a CMS for federal government websites built on the powerful Drupal platform. DUSWDS is aligned with the USWDS design standards, ensuring your federal government website has the functionality your agency requires and meets the design guidelines established by the USWDS.

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